Security and Performance of Networked Systems

Welcome to the homepage of the group for Security and Performance of Networked Systems at UCLouvain. The group is part of the department of computer science INGI at the ICTEAM research institute. Our teaching activities are embedded in the Louvain School of Engineering (EPL).

The group's mission is to improve the security of modern networked systems and to contribute to the understanding of their performance and behavior. To this end, we develop innovative methods and techniques to monitor such systems and to detect and prevent attacks against them. We also perform measurements that help to understand the impact of new protocols and services.


Our research activities target the following domains:

  • Intrusion detection and prevention for the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intrusion detection and prevention for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and SCADA
  • Software Defined Networking (SDN) for security and network monitoring
  • Performance monitoring and modeling for networked applications

Those activities take place in the context of different research projects and collaborations with industrial partners. Currently, those include, among others, the Win2Wal PrEDICT project and the ARC RAINDROP project.


The following courses are taught by the head of the group at UCLouvain:

We also give training courses on cybersecurity, for example on phishing attacks and ICS security.


Former members

  • Dr. Lionel Metongnon
  • Dr. Jawad Manzoor
  • Dr. Sana Imtiaz
  • Dr. Khulan Batbayar
    First supervisor: UPC (Spain)
  • Dr. Igor Zavalyshyn
    First supervisor: IST (Portugal)

Contact information

Head:Prof. Ramin Sadre
E-Mail:ramin.sadre [a t]
Phone:+32 (0)10 47 25 29
Office:Réaumur building, Room A217
Address:INGI Computer Science Department
Place Sainte Barbe 2 bte L5.02.01
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium